TinyScreen - Tiny Circuits
TinyScreen - Tiny Circuits

News on the Run!: Weekly Round Up 10.10.14

The gaming world is huge. Between websites, Twitter, Facebook and all other platforms of exchange, keeping up with the ins and out of all things gaming-related is impossible. So we’re going to round-up quirky, interesting and breaking news of the (mostly) gaming persuasion for you to enjoy every week.



Remember Microsoft announcing awhile back their intention of transforming our living spaces into an interactive gaming haven?

Well, here’s a video delineating their proof of development. While it’s definitely a cool concept, and what’s shown in the video is a prototype, RoomAlive looks like one hell of a complicated setup, and not to mention you’ll need a nice blend of $$$ and space if this ever reaches us mere gamers. (Catherine Ashley)

The Infamous Iron Banner

Bungie’s been talking about it for a while; we got a taste of it during the beta. Now  Crucible mode ‘Iron banner’ is released for Guardians to battle each other out using PvE stats, removing all PvP balancing attempts, transforming this into the hardest Crucible mode out in the Destiny ‘verse. While I’ve yet to submit my measly level 27 Titan to the challenge, many have been disappointed with the execution. (Catherine Ashley)

Not Gaming, But Bloody Cool


 Someone has come along and created something no one thought of and everyone wants. Self-professed “lifelong mapmaker” Stentor Danielson creates JRR Tolkien maps of actual areas worldwide. He has quite a few locations in his Etsy shop Mapsburgh, including Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Boston. Who knows, maybe he’ll make one of Montreal?  (via TheEscapist) (Catherine Ashley)

Matchmaking Destiny Raids?

Vault of Glass via Bungie
Vault of Glass via Bungie

For us of few gaming friends, the omission of matchmaking in Raids and weekly Strike missions have been a heartbreaking tale of jealousy, frustration and desire. All the loot, the Tower cred, all the achievements/trophies that we’re missing out on cause we can’t gather 5 other humans simultaneously to game for at least a few hours straight. In a recent Bungie blog update, Deej informed us that indeed, our lamentations have been heard. While it hasn’t been confirmed, Bungie’s recognition appeases my heart for now, at least. (Catherine Ashley)

The Crew Delayed (Again)

The Crew via Ubisoft
The Crew via Ubisoft

Ubisoft’s open-world racer, The Crew, faces more delays. The release date was pushed back from November 11th to December 2nd.  “The extra time will allow for a second closed console beta to be held, giving even more players the opportunity to experience the game, which is something the community has been requesting,” said Ubisoft in a statement. Said closed beta for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will happen sometime in November. (Catherine Smith-Desbiens)

P.T.: Silent Blocks

It’s a compliment of the highest order for something to be recreated in Minecraft, that we all know. YouTube user Trislux has done just that for PT, the playable demo for the upcoming Silent Hills game. OK, it’s not entirely as scary as the original but using the sounds of Minecraft’s barnyard friends to mimic the baby’s cries is pretty darn ingenious. Check out the test build in the video below! (Alicia Alexandra)

Ain’t Nobody Got Time For Attention.

Why on earth anybody over at the Bungie HQ thought that Destiny’s story would be better told out-of-game, through unlocked Grimoire cards, is beyond me. In an act of both defiance and laziness, I skipped reading the cards which lead to my absolute disconnect and confusion while completing Destiny’s campaign. Half the time, I had absolutely no clue to what the hell was going since I was more focused on pew pew-ing enemies than listening to Ghost’s monotonous speech.

Insert YouTuber Marszie. In academic prose, Marszie lays out the main plot points that developed during Destiny’s gameplay, and here’s the kicker: he doesn’t even use those damn Grimoire cards.  I guess there was a story hidden there after all. (Catherine Ashley)

 It’s An End of An Era

Nintendo Magazine - Image Via Gaming Cypher
Nintendo Magazine – Image Via Gaming Cypher

It has been recently announced that long-running Official Nintendo Magazine will be closing publications after the release of its 114th issue on October 14th. With print media on its way out in our digital age, it doesn’t come as a surprise. But with a father who has every single issue ever released, it makes me sad that his collection has come to an end. RIP. (Catherine Ashley)

Games, Games, Games

The Art of War

Graphics, style and music melodize to deliver a surreal vision of war in Ukrainian studio Postmodern’s (fitting name) live-action trailer of War Thunder. Working with Gaijin Entertainment, it took 12 weeks to deliver this CGI reenactment of Russian fighters fending off Nazi forces and was debuted at the first-ever Russian Comic Con. (via Joystiq)

War Thunder is currently available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and PS4. (Catherine Ashley)

Emerging from the Myst

Island of Myst
Myst via i09.com

The game that was LOST before LOST was a thing. Myst, the quintessential 90s mind bender will be making a comeback in the form of a TV show as well as a tie-in game and “various transmedia efforts.” Rand and Robyn Miller, creators of the series have penned a deal with Legendary Pictures and while we don’t have any further details, hopefully we’ll see some movement on the project soon. (Alicia Alexandra)

Far Cry 4 Gets The Childish Gambino Treatment

Donald Glover (I love you), whose alter ego is the one and only Childish Gambino, has lent his wonderful vocals to the latest Far Cry 4 trailer recently released by Ubisoft Canada. While the trailer looks wicked and ups the excitement for the game’s release, I have just one request: Come back to Greendale, Troy! C’mon, six seasons and a movie! Six seasons and a movie! (Catherine Ashley)

Press Play & Relive Your Childhood

Do you have 3 hours to spend watching a YouTube video? Awesome! Sit back, relax and prepare to see the happiest years of your life flash before your eyes. YouTube user NicksplosionFX has put together a video of almost each and every Game Boy game start screen. He also has one for NES and SNES titles. Go forth, and remember! (Alicia Alexandra)

The Littlest Console There Was

Step aside Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo, there’s a new competitor in town: Mr. TinyScreen. Though it’s still getting funded by Kickstart with only 14 days to go, the team over at TinyCircuits have made a video of what this tiny gadget can do, ranging from telling time to playing games. Head over to their Kickstarter to find out more, or check out the video below!

Hey, Look! It’s the Doctor Who Roller Coaster!

Worlds collided in celebration of Minecraft releasing Doctor Who-themed skins for the game. Someone created a bloody Doctor Who roller coaster in Minecraft, loaded with chockfull of references and imagery from the BBC masterpiece tied into a neat little bow with the Doctor Who theme song. And there’s Oods. Please, everyone, take a moment out of your day to watch this.
Allons-y! (Catherine Ashley)


The Black Glove

You know what I love? Video games. You know what else I love? The Bioshock series. And do you know what I really really love? Mind-fucking metaphysical thrillers, all which come together in former Bioshock devs’ latest project. Developers over at Day For Night Games have just revealed their Kickstarter  project “The Black Glove”, a narrative-focused game set to be released on Windows, Mac and Linux with a hint that it may reach other platforms.

“Based on your decisions, the creators may become influenced by 8-bit video game music, 60s era pop art, Day of the Dead folk art, 70s cosmic comics, anime, multi-media experimental art, cyberpunk fiction, sad-eyed clown paintings, low-budget   b-movies, and more. The choice is up to YOU”

Check out the video below to get a sense of the intriguingly bizarre and abstract supernatural video game. You can also head over to their Kickstarter page for more information or check out Gamespot’s exclusive interview with Day For Night Games co-founder Joe Fielder.

It’s A Go! Sony’s Game Rental Streaming Service Heads To Other Devices Into Open Beta.

Sony Logo
Sony Logo

Sony’s PlayStation Now, their online streaming rental service, is currently in open beta for the PS4 and PS3. As of October 14th, it will include the PlayStation Vita and the PlayStation TV. It’s only natural as it’s the same day the PS TV launches in North America (Via GameSpot).
(Catherine Smith-Desbiens)

Culture In Gaming

67 Pages of Blah Blah Blah


She’s baaaack! In the never ending Grand Theft Auto V saga, Lindsey rebuts Rockstar claims that she was suing for publicity  by transforming her previously 10-page complaint into a whopping 67-pages of how Rockstar “used” her likeness in the game. Literally 67 pages to describe that. If you’re dying to know the intricate details of his exhilarating court case (/sarcasm), head over to IGN’s writeup here. God Bless ‘Murica. (Catherine Ashley)

 Teaching Kids (and Adult-Kids) to Code

With a newly minted studio along and Kickstarter campaign that has been funded over 4 times what it was asking, you can say Rob Lockhart is in a good place. Creating indie studio Important Little Games, Lockhart set out to do what hasn’t (really) been done before: an educational fantasy RPG called Codemancer:

“Aurora must learn Magic to rescue her Father, but Magic in Aurora’s World works the same way that Programming works in Ours”

While it’s technically designed for children ages 9 to 14, anyone interested in the basics of coding, programming and STEM field linguistics will enjoy this little gem. Head over to their funding page for more info, or watch the video below! (Catherine Ashley) (via Polygon)

About Ultimate Badass Sigourney Weaver and Alien: Isolation

Sigourney Weaver
The lucky ladies over at The Mary Sue got to talk to alien ass-kicker  Sigourney Weaver about her position as science fiction over lord and her return in Alien: Isolation. While I haven’t really had any interest in playing the latest Alien after the previous one under the same moniker bombed (you can check out this neat list that The Escapist compiled of best and worst Alien games), I may actually pick this one up now that I know Ripley is in it. Head over here and check out the interview! (Catherine Ashley)



McDonalds & World of Warcraft
McDonalds & World of Warcraft via Kotaku.com

McDonald’s in China have teamed up with Blizzard to promote the release of the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor. Restaurants in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou were treated to an Azeroth-themed makeover lasting until November 4th. Decked out with Alliance and Horde banners, replica props and even a uniform update for employees, the fast food stops have turned into promotional hotspots. And hey, if you’re in the area and order McDonald’s delivery you’ll earn yourself some points that can be redeemed for in-game items. Bon Appétit! (Alicia Alexandra)

Soul Shredding

YouTuber gbbearzly has made it his mission to play games… with a twist. Instead of a standard XBOX controller, he uses a Guitar Hero controller to beat some of the most frustrating moments in gaming known to man. Check out the playlist below for to see how exactly how he took down the bosses in Dark Souls 2. (Alicia Alexandra)