Girls on Games Indie Spotlight Thursdays on Twitch
Girls on Games Indie Spotlight Thursdays on Twitch

Introducing Indie Spotlight Thursdays

We’ve got some exciting news over at Girls on Games, one that’s been brewin’ for a while. As you’ve might have noticed, we’ve been increasing our presence over on our Twitch channel for a while now. Between our weekly podcast and streaming the latest games, we love interacting with our readers and viewers first hand.

Now we’re adding a new feature to the roster called Indie Spotlight Thursdays!

So, what is it exactly?

Every week we want to dedicate an evening to highlighting an indie developer from Montreal over Twitch as a way to expose you guys to new, upcoming titles that tend to get overshadowed by AAA titles.

Why do you guys want to do this?

We’ve mentioned this time and time again that Montreal has such a rich gaming culture. While we’re definitely proud to have some of the top AAA studios in the midst of our city, we also have some of the most creative minds working on little-known yet fantastic indie titles. We want to give these innovative gems some love and a chance to show off their hard work. And, of course, so you guys can catch a glimpse and get hyped!

What are you going to be playing?

Anything and everything that comes from the Poutine capital. Whether it be an pre-alpha build, alpha, beta, full game,whatever, as long as it’s a video game. Bonus: We’ll be inviting the developers to join in on the stream so they can interact with viewers and answer all your questions over chat!

Will you stream games from elsewhere?

As of right now, we’re focused on games from Montreal and Quebec specifically, but we intend for that to grow to encompass games from all over! If you’re a developer and are interested in joining in, scroll down and send us an email. We’ll be more than glad to hear from you!

When will it be exactly?

We’ll be streaming Thursday nights at 8 pm EST for an hour or two, every time we have a game scheduled, starting in April.

So far, we have two games set. First on the docket is Holobunnies, a side-scrolling exploration game by Q-Bit games on April 2nd, and then on April 16th we have action game LEAP of FATE by Clever Plays.

We hope you’re as excited as we are for this wicked new project. And, since we’ve already done this before when Alicia Alexandra played the pre-Alpha build of Light Fall, you check out what the experience will like below:

See you on Thursdays!