This week on Indie Spotlight Thursday, I got to play Crypt of the Necrodancer, a game that I have been championing for while. Every so often, I surf through Steam’s listings and click on anything that sounds or looks appealing. Crypt of the Necrodancer caught my eye when it was in beta, offering the game to buy now with access to the full game when it released. I quickly dropped the $16, grabbed my headphones and got ready to slay some undead to the beat of the game’s awesome soundtrack.

Crypt of the Necrodancer is a rogue like rhythm game. A dungeon crawler that forces you to move to the beat of the music. Repetition is the key here: play through and observe the pattern of the enemies, defeat them and move onward to the boss as the music plays on. It’s addictive and entrancing, causing your head to bop along with the music as you slay those demons.
The graphics are in 8bit, a throwback to days gone by, but very attractive and well illustrated. Your weapons and armour are key to surviving your journey. You start each round naked and fairly unequipped until you start earning coins by defeating enemies and finding chests containing helpful tools and wears.

The music is what makes Crypt of the Necrodancer. The retro game 16bit feel with rock music progressions are addictive and keep you head banging. I never felt the music get annoying after the multitude of replays that it took me to learn the mechanics of the game. For the super fan, you can download the soundtrack by Danny Baranowsky on Steam to enjoy when you are not trudging through the undead lairs.

Crypt of the Necrodancer was a real hit when playing on Indie Spotlight Night. Reaction from our community was nothing but positive:
PrincessRiikka: Few games are so immersive
PatLandry1980: Yeah… the design itself of the game is close to perfect!
CraigKoban: There’s not a cynical bone in this game’s body. That’s what makes it so refreshingly enjoyable.
Take a gander at my play through above and I dare you to not be jiving along with the music with me. Crypt of the Necrodancer is available right now on Steam.