Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo Co.

Farewell Mr. Iwata-san

I personally don’t do well with grief. Although I have great ease expressing my happiness, I find it hard to articulate my feelings when stricken by sadness. Yesterday, I felt my heart drop when I heard the news of Mr. Iwata’s passing. How do you express a loss when it is not a member of your family or friends, but you feel like that individual was like family in how he influenced your childhood? Many artists took to pen/paper/painbrush & digital art board to express their feelings. Here are some of the team’s favourites.

THE FEELS IN THIS PIC! 😢😭 Iwata. You will be missed! #RIPIwata #Nintnendo #Gamergram

A photo posted by Michael Wang (@michael_jwang) on

#iwata #ripiwata

A photo posted by @homerino3 on


Goodbye, Satoru Iwata

Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata died at the age of 55 yesterday

R.I.P Iwata

Thank you Mr. Iwata-san. You will always be in our hearts when we are having fun playing games :).

xoxo Leah