Fans came out in droves to Ubisoft’s booth at Fan Expo this year to get their hands on a demo version of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. We asked them why the series holds a special place in their gamer hearts.
1. Phoenix Armoury and Cosplay loves the history, gameplay, and expansive open world.

2. Desmond Miles. ‘Nuff said. He’s pretty fantastic.

3. Learning and mastering stealth tactics.

4. Another stealth fan!

5. Someone was bound to say Ezio. This list wouldn’t be complete with out at least one mention.

6. Parkour and the history? Perhaps they saw this awesome video?

7. The stories are pretty amazing, so we have to agree with these guys.

8. Mary Weste <3’s the story too.

9. Who doesn’t love stepping into a part of history?

10. Assassin’s Creed wouldn’t be Assassin’s Creed with out the assassinations!

11. Even though it’s a little violent at times, these guys enjoy it.

12. The content! There’s so much you can do.

13. It’s definitely never boring, the action makes sure of that.

14. Last but not least, there are so many amazing themes to choose from!

So Assassin’s Creed fans? Why do you love the franchise?
Girls on Games was invited by Ubisoft Canada to Toronto to attend Fan Expo 2015 and get an insider’s look at their upcoming releases. They graciously provided the team with travel and accommodations for the length of our stay.
The opinions expressed in the above article are that of the author, and have not been effected, edited or dictated by Ubisoft Canada’s involvement in any way.