Disney Infinity 3.0 brings something very special to Disney’s ever expanding universe: Star Wars. The Star Wars franchise has been around for decades and now that it is part of Disney we can see a merge of the two worlds, but does it work for this game?

The story mode itself happens during the era of the clone wars and is centralized around the characters Anakin Skywalker (known by anyone who has seen Star Wars Episodes 1-6) and his padawan Ahsoka Tano (a badass dual-wielding main character from the Clone Wars television series (this series takes place between the events of episode 2 and episode 3)). The good: you do not need to have an extended knowledge of the Clone Wars series to enjoy this game seeing has how it involves events and characters from episodes 2-3 and the in-between. The bad: the Star Wars Universe is a big place so there are moments where you get A LOT of information thrown at you, even if you don’t want it..also space missions are dull.

The main story is true to Star Wars fashion: evil must be stopped by good. The story is filled with puzzles, space missions where you get to fly spaceships, puzzles and little mini-games to collect experience points for your characters. When it comes to the space missions, it fell short, but the reason being is that it was over simplified and felt very much like a child’s game. It was those moments that made me realize this is in fact a kid’s game and I should not expect a Rogue Squadron type experience when I step into a vehicle but more of a Cars feel. However, this is the magic of Disney; this game can be enjoyed by all ages and is a perfect game to play with your kids to introduce them to the Star Wars you fell in love with when you were young.
One of the best aspects is the ability to jump from multiple characters to another. Now I say this is one of the best aspects however it is also where the game starts to get costly since you have to purchase the new figures (they are good quality and also double as collectables). Do you want to play the missions as Darth Maul? You can buy the character and jump right in on some missions; same goes for Yoda, Vader, Boba Fett and many, many more. Level up those characters and unlock more powerful skills and abilities.

The story mode is typical to any game, but where we get to see the true magic of Disney is when we play the toy box mode. This mode allows us to use any characters from the Disney Universe and drop them in different adventures / user created missions that could span the entire Disney Universe. The combinations in the toy box feel infinite and offer a very refreshing play mode that is not only fun to play but also fun to create. The map editing / game creation tools are simple and user friendly.

Disney Infinity 3.0 brings all the magic we would expect from Disney and now with Star Wars under its belt, the Disney Universe is even more vast and expanding as ever. I feel this game is a perfect fit for a family who games together and for anyone who has a passion for Star Wars or Disney.