
Time to unbox the Mad Catz R.A.T. Pro X Ultra Gaming Mouse for PC! The main feature of this pro mouse is the fact that you can customize almost every piece to make it suit your gaming style. You can change the optical sensor, the scroll wheel, the slides, the palm rest and the button programming.

In the box you have the mouse with one setup configuration, the Pixart ADNS 9800 sensor, instruction booklet, one set of changeable slides, 2 extra palm grips, two scroll wheels, 1 extra set of left buttons, two different grips for the right side, and a carrying case.

Because I am a klutz, I always check the manual first to make sure I am not going to break anything while changing the pieces on the mouse. I also noticed that the optical sensor was already in the mouse, probably because this is a demo model that was given to us by mad catz.

The slides are really easy to remove because they are held on by a set of 2 magnets. The magnets have enough tension so that you can’t knock the slides off by accident, but you don’t feel like you are going to rip the thing apart when you remove them.

You can also shift the palm grip from left to right to suit your comfort.

To change the scroll wheel, you can snap it up. The scroll wheel bands slide on and off from the side. There are three that come with the RAT Pro X, 2 metal with different size teeth, and one rubber wheel.

The left side buttons and right side grips are easy to change with one screw on each holding them in place. I grabbed my technical tool set and got to work before realizing that there is actually a tool in the carrying case. Heh.

The palm grip is a much tighter fit. I struggled a little trying to figure out how to take the thing off without breaking it, but it seems to be pretty durable even when you tug with a fair amount of force. My struggle might have been because I was trying to film for camera and didn’t have the greatest hold on the thing. Putting the palm grip back on is pretty easy. Just gotta get it all lined up properly.

Inside the case is a little packet containing a brush to clean the mouse. It has the same texture as an angled eyeliner brush. There’s the tool I mentioned before for changing the side pieces and the padded mount housing for the mouse. It’s quite the snug fit to get the mouse to sit in the padding. There is space for you to wrap the cord around the padding and then sit the usb plug into the bottom. I did notice that there is no where in this case to hold the extra pieces. I am assuming that once you make your mouse customized to you, you won’t want to change out the other pieces. I do recommend keeping the box to store those extra little bits just in case.

So there you have it: the Mad Catz RAT Pro X Ultra Gaming Mouse for PC. Thanks to Mad Catz for sending the mouse our way, and thanks to Voyce for the awesome back track to the video. I hope you liked our unboxing video and a full use review is soon to come!