Move over Neko Atsume, there’s a new app that’s making me compulsively look at my phone every 10 minutes and that’s Nintendo’s Miitomo.
Oh Cool! But what is Miitomo, anyway?
Miitomo is Nintendo’s first mobile app and it’s essentially a mini-social network with an item collection feature. You create a Mii in your image or use a previously created one by connecting to your Nintendo Network ID account. You then find your friends by either connecting your Facebook and/or Twitter account or with the Face to Face feature; because Nintendo still believes in good ol’ fashioned human interaction.
It wasn’t long after pairing my accounts that friend requests came pouring in from my friends, family, acquaintances and followers. So now all the little Miis will visit your Mii and ask questions for you to answer in exchange for coins. You can also read and comment on your friends’ answers for more coins. So far, the questions I’ve seen that got the longest threads were food related. Shows you where our priorities lies, am I right?
Make it rain!
You’ve earned yourself some coins, time to spend it! You can either:
a) go to the store and blow it on clothes and accessories for your Mii;
b) spend it on the Miitomo Drop mini game to attempt to win more clothes and accessories for your Mii.

You’ll also can complete Nintendo Missions, simple goals to reach to earn Nintendo points that you can then spend on:
a) exclusive outfits and accessories for your Mii available for a limited time;
b) on tickets to play the Miitomo Drop mini game to attempt to win more clothes and accessories for your Mii… I think you get what the main feature of the app is now;
c) on rewards at which is the revamped Club Nintendo.

Outfit so fresh, gotta take a selfie!
Miifoto is my favourite part of Miitomo. Put on your best outfit, grab your friend’s Mii, strike a pose and snap that pic. I’ve been having way too much fun overlaying my Mii on my photos.

And that’s pretty much it…
Miitomo is very endearing in its simplicity. It really taps in our desire to collect cute things. I’m quite curious as to what features Nintendo has in the works for future updates… I can already see the monetisation potential of in-app purchases through the currency system.
What I’d love to see in a Miitomo update is better optimization: this app can be a resource hog; especially when it comes to your device’s battery. I’ve been through a serious Neko Atsume addiction (checking on my cats every 10-30 mins all day every day) and never once did I have to charge my phone midday. As a matter of fact, in the 9 months I’ve had my LG G4, today was the first time I had to give it a boost during my work day. Why? Miitomo.

There are also significant load times when using the app. Switching from screen to screen can take several seconds. It’s definitely not as responsive as other mobile games and apps I’ve used. Which begs the question: how does Miitomo fare on older devices?
How has been your experience with Miitomo so far? Let us know in the comments, on Facebook or on Twitter.