That’s right fellow esport fans! After the exciting tournament they gave us at Toronto Fan Expo earlier this month, Bell and Northern Arena just shared exciting news: the LAN finals for the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and DOTA2 $200,000 prize pool tournament will be held at the Bell Centre on November 13th at 2pm! Tickets go on sale this Friday at 10PM, prices vary from $45 to $75 and will be are available here.
“Canada has some of the most passionate gamers in the world,” said Carl-Edwin Michel, the visionary behind Northern Arena and Co-Founder of the Canadian League of Gamers. As we launch the 2nd edition of our league tournament, we are pleased to bring the event to an even larger arena, giving thousands of eSports fans the chance to see international tournaments live in Canada.”
We are very excited to see an event of this magnitude in Canada! You can be sure that GoG will be on site to bring you all the news and info happening in our home town! Stay tuned!

Update (2016/09/29): Northern Arena just announced the invited teams for DOTA 2 BEAT Invitational and the CS:GO finals.

Update (2016/10/05): Here are the final teams