We’re stepping out in the vast open world in this week’s GoGCast. Games like Skyrim, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and The Witcher 3 set a new bar when it comes to open world games in terms of gameplay innovation and quality. Today’s open world games axed features like mini-maps and set task lists in order to prioritize exploration and remove the pressure of completing every bit of content available. We share our favourite open world games, what we love about them, how they’ve changed and how we now approach playing these games.
Motherboard article referenced: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/qvzj45/open-world-games-finally-got-out-of-their-own-way-in-2017
This week in news: Switch becomes the best selling console during Black Friday, Bethesda giving 500 atoms to gamers who bout the Fallout 76 Collector’s edition in view of poor “bag” quality, Bioware teases Dragon Age announcement and the Xbox adaptive controller makes Time’s Best Invention of 2018 list.