Palworld (via Pocke Pair)

GoGCast 471: Mass Effect TV Show, Palworld Patent Infringements, and more

Happy belated N7 days, nerds. On this week’s GoGCast, we learn more about the Pokémon vs Palword patent infringement lawsuit; folks using video games to launder money; and after the success of Fallout, Amazon has a Mass Effect tv series in the works. Cat also played some video game based board games: Slay The Spire and Mass Effect: Priority Hagalaz. Plus, the crew guesses what game released on November 17th, 2009.

What is Everyone Playing? (00:32:00)

  • Stardew Valley 1.6 update (00:44:00)

Walk Down Memory Card Lane (00:47:56)

This Week’s News (00:58:56)

Outro and Wrap-up (01:14:32)

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