Catherine is a Digital Designer turned Game Dev who started gaming and dabbling with computers at the tender age of 5. She since traded DOS commands for HTML/CSS and NES games for RPGs. She also has a healthy love of cooking, cartoons, movies and music.
It’s finally a thursday… Yes… Finally here… Thursday night! Time for a new GoGCast episode. In this week’s episode, Leah reviews Potion Permit. Plus, Blizzard employees form one of the first wall to wall union in gaming and get a...
On this week’s GoGCast, we move things a little to the left. A little more. A smidge more. Ok good! Joelle reviews the tidy and colourful puzzle game A Little To The Left. Plus, we chat about delays for the...
On this week’s GoGCast, we miss the Nintendo Direct by one frikkin’ day because of our recording schedule. While you, the listeners, know what was announced, past Leah, Cat and Joelle do not. So, we speculate on what will be...