Leah is a Newfie-transplant who obtained her B.F.A and M.F.A. in graphic design from Concordia University and Savannah College of Art and Design. A true gamer from early on, she hasn't stop playing since the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System. She's a hardcore geek, a Trekker (as in Star Trek, not the 'walking over long distance' thing) and lover of rock and roll.
On this week’s episode of the GoGCast, Simon makes bank with the stalk market in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Ali gets roped into playing Phantasy Star Online 2, CS:GO and Team Fortress 2 source code leaks online, Crysis gets remastered...
In this episode, we talk about the games we’re currently playing because it’s what we’ve been doing: staying in and gaming. We chat a bit more about Animal Crossing: New Horizons but also dive into Jedi: Fallen Order, Control, Yakuza...
We’re preparing a special call-in show for our 250th episode of the GoGCast! Record a quick question using the widget below or by visiting Speakpipe.com/girlsongames. Listen to the next episode of our podcast to hear your message play and answer...