Leah is a Newfie-transplant who obtained her B.F.A and M.F.A. in graphic design from Concordia University and Savannah College of Art and Design. A true gamer from early on, she hasn't stop playing since the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System. She's a hardcore geek, a Trekker (as in Star Trek, not the 'walking over long distance' thing) and lover of rock and roll.
This week, we are talking to Stephane Muller, Director of Business Programs and Henry Ngo, Programming Manager for the Esports Program at University of California, Irvine Division of Continuing Education.
This week, we chat about video games in movies and TV shows whether they be adaptations of popular franchises like Tomb Raider or Castlevania, or chock full of video game lore and references like Ready Player One.
E3 2018 wrapped up but a few days ago. We do a quick round-up of our favourite announcements and conferences and we tally up who won this year’s predictions game! Expect equal parts of hype and salt in this episode.
While E3 is in full swing, we’re taking a break from our regular format to talk about Far Cry 5’ main story, villains and multiple endings. We share our initial reactions to completing the story, why we felt that way and what we think about it in hindsight.
We’re having a crossover with our friends from Of Buffs And Nerfs this week to chat about all the esport events happening this summer, whether it be Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, League of Legends, Fortnite… There’s something for everyone! Marie...