Leah is a Newfie-transplant who obtained her B.F.A and M.F.A. in graphic design from Concordia University and Savannah College of Art and Design. A true gamer from early on, she hasn't stop playing since the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System. She's a hardcore geek, a Trekker (as in Star Trek, not the 'walking over long distance' thing) and lover of rock and roll.
We were on location at Outerminds’ brand new offices in downtown Montreal for this week’s GoGcast, the studio best known for collaborating with famous Youtuber Pewdiepie.
This week, we chat with Naomi Kyle, host of IGN’s Daily Fix and part of the IGN Show on Disney XD. She also streams on Twitch, acts, models and cosplays.
This week, we catch up with film maker Gina Hara to talk about her new documentary titled Geek Girls in which she explores the lesser known half of geek culture.