Leah is a Newfie-transplant who obtained her B.F.A and M.F.A. in graphic design from Concordia University and Savannah College of Art and Design. A true gamer from early on, she hasn't stop playing since the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System. She's a hardcore geek, a Trekker (as in Star Trek, not the 'walking over long distance' thing) and lover of rock and roll.
…. and the countdown is over! The world’s largest digital festival is coming to Montreal. August 12 – 14th 2016, DreamHack’s first Canadian event will take place in Montreal at Place Bonaventure, with plans to make it an annual tradition. For...
Life influences art and art influences life. We live in a circle of never ending inspiration that has creative individuals being influenced from a multitude of different venues. Girls on Games got the chance to chat with musician, avid gamer and social advocate in geek culture Voyce* about how his life and gaming experiences influence his music.
I play through part of the second act (2-1 and 2-2) of Quantum Break live on Twitch. Much thanks to the team at Microsoft Studios for showing up in chat to answer questions! We will be playing through more of...
Richard from CleverEndeavorGames joins us to talk about their upcoming game, Ultimate Chicken Horse. A mix between Mario Maker, Super Meat Boy and The Incredible Machine? SIGN ME UP PLEASE...