Leah Jewer
Assasin’s Creed Syndicate: Playing As Twins Jacob And Evie Frye
A single assassin can only accomplish so much, but what can 2 assassins bring to the table? We’ll find out...
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate: Traversing Victorian England
In an interview with Francois Pelland, executive director of development & senior producer of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, the newest AC is revealed as a period piece previewing the beauty that was Victorian England. An era that was all about development and...
(Updated) Assassin’s Creed Syndicate: Dickens & Darwin, but what about Jack The Ripper?
Assassin’s Creed has always been known for its ability to let you sneak around to set up a more advantageous assassination...
The Girls on Games Podcast 21 – Nintendo Theme Parks, #Wheresnatasha and our raunchiest podcast yet!
In GoG's raunchiest podcast ever, we talk about news that affects us, our ideas for Nintendo theme parks, the controversy behind #wheresnatasha and our favorite youtubers. Also, boobs and butts and boobs and butts!
Indie Spotlight Thursday: Crypt of the Necrodancer
This week on Indie Spotlight Thursday, I got to play Crypt of the Necrodancer, a game that I have been championing for while. It's a rogue like rhythm game. A dungeon crawler that forces you to move with the beat of the music.
The Girls on Games Podcast 17 – Zombies, game reveals and movies… oh my!
In this week podcast, we talk about zombies in games, are game reveals getting too complicated and we take a...
The Girls on Games Podcast 16 – April fools is no joke, Nintendo Direct and gaming funks
In this week podcast, we take a look at the gaming news that affected us over the last week, talk...
Ori and the Blind Forest: A Familiar Touch
It’s been about 2 weeks now since Ori and the Blind forest hit stores and digital shelves. The reviews have been extremely positive, garnering it a 89 on Metacritic. But what exactly is it about this game that has charmed...