“The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses” made a grand return to Montreal with producer Jason Michael Paul. The audience witnessed the epic repertoire from “The Legend of Zelda”series, originally composed by Koji Kondo.
Mortal Kombat, although being rated M for Mature, is hard to take it seriously. Everything is over the top. However, Mortal Kombat X delivers something else that we’ve come to expect of a game sporting the purposely misspelled title: a kick-ass fighting game with a lot of blood and guts.
This week on Indie Spotlight Thursday, I got to play Crypt of the Necrodancer, a game that I have been championing for while. It's a rogue like rhythm game. A dungeon crawler that forces you to move with the beat of the music.
The Avengers are back for round 2 in the superhero extravanganza Avengers: Age of Ultron and it would appear that Tony Stark is once again running the show. Captain America, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye are all on board, attempting to make things right after things initially go incredibly wrong (your basic superhero movie formula).
While calling the XBOX One and PC release of State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition a simple re-release would be a disservice, all its best efforts and good intentions still leave The Year One Survival Edition a rather hastily wrapped undead gift box for both new and returning players alike.