Conventions & Festivals
Your Guide To: Surviving Montreal Comiccon
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: Montreal Comiccon is back! In honor of the season, I’ve put together some convention floor tips and helpful advice for first time con-goers that will help make the experience as fun and stress-free as possible.
Your Guide To: Montreal Comiccon 2015 – It’s For The Gamers
Montreal Comiccon has always been a place for geeks, nerds and pop culture fans to gather and bask in the glory of all the things we love. 2015 is turning to to be a special year for us gamers. There has never been more offerings to the gamer at the con than this one!
Your Guide to: Montreal Comiccon Surroundings and Attractions
We all know that Montreal Comiccon brings in quite a crowd and is now held during tourist season. This means traffic, waiting lines for almost everything inside the convention centre - food, bathrooms, ATMs - and a general lack of personal space. Being familiar with the con's surrounding area can save you a lot of time and trouble.
Your Guide To: What GoG Is Looking Forward To At This Year’s Montreal Comiccon
The countdown has begun, and there is only 5 days until the 2015 edition of the Montreal Comiccon...
Father’s Day Gift Guide
For the man who taught us how to: reach certain levels, how to hug a turn in racing games which is carried over to our real life driving, how pushing the buttons harder won’t result in us doing more damage but rather just break our controllers to which he’ll laugh and get us a new one (a better one).
MONTREAL COMICCON newest guests…
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Montreal Comiccon just released its newest guests attending this year’s Con! Take a gander…...
We attended the Montreal Independent Games Festival (PHOTOS)
The 2015 edition of the Montreal Independent Games Festival was held yesterday. The venue was Dawson College which...
Montreal Comiccon 2015: Line-up and Press Conference highlights!
This year it’s going to be the biggest Comiccon Montreal has seen yet. The official press conference was held yesterday and highlighted what’s in store for Montreal Comiccon this year from July 3rd to the 5th and Girls on Games has your exclusive look at what’s currently taking place this year at the con!
Cosplayer Gift Guide
Here are 10 gifts that you can give your cosplayer friend this holiday season.