Theresa Gaffney is the Editor-in-Chief of Collegiate Star League (CSL), a Proleague-based intercollegiate multigame league for universities and colleges...
We at Girls on Games are always intrigued to learn about different occupations in and around the video game industry, especially when it’s done by a kick-ass lady.
I had very high hopes with Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. To this day, Human Revolution remains one of my favorite games, having finished it multiple times. So after a long, almost agonizing wait, I jumped into the newest offering.
Last month, the Woman Write About Comics website published an article written by Rosie Knight which focused on her abusive relationship, and how the beloved game Animal Crossing helped her through it. After reading the article, I became extremely overwhelmed, thinking back to my own experience within an abusive relationship.
Our favourite Botanical Utility Droid, aka Bud, is back for another colourful, bouncy and vertiginous adventure in Grow Up. There’s a new planet to explore, Star Plants to grow and new crystals to find.