The Girls on Games Podcast 20 – Gaming Events, Gaming Nostalgia & Going to the Movies
In this week's podcast, we check out some of the gaming and geek culture events happening around Montreal and Toronto, share some of our fond gaming memories that today's gamers may never experience and wonder if going to the movies is really worth it.
Indie Spotlight Thursday: Crypt of the Necrodancer
This week on Indie Spotlight Thursday, I got to play Crypt of the Necrodancer, a game that I have been championing for while. It's a rogue like rhythm game. A dungeon crawler that forces you to move with the beat of the music.
Avengers: Age of Ultron Movie Review
The Avengers are back for round 2 in the superhero extravanganza Avengers: Age of Ultron and it would appear that Tony Stark is once again running the show. Captain America, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye are all on board, attempting to make things right after things initially go incredibly wrong (your basic superhero movie formula).
Kickstart MTL: Outward
Today’s Kickstart MTL puts the spotlight on Outward, an open-world RPG developed by Quebec city's Nine Dots Studio. Just a quick disclaimer: Technically, this isn't a Montreal game thus defying the Kickstart MTL premise. It hails from the province's capital but I decided to make a wee exception in their case since the game really excited me.
Free Comic Book Day 2015 ROUNDUP! Where to go and WHY! (In Montreal)
"It's a BIRD!" "It’s a PLANE!?" "Actually guys, it’s FREE COMICS!!!!" You heard me alright! Free Comic book day is upon us again! So, WHAT'S THE BUZZ about you ask?
Indie Spotlight Thursdays: KWAAN
Last week, on Indie Spotlight Thursday, I got the chance to play the innovative, pixel pushing game KWAAN which is part MMORPG, part rogue-like and part adventure game.
Is Your Cause Just? Trailer for Just Cause 3
Falling again…down…down…hey look, a jet! CATCH A RIIIDE! Here comes Square Enix bringing you an Avalanche Studios production and no...
The Girls on Games Podcast 19 – Life, eSports and CS:GO with MissHarvey
In this week’s very special podcast, Counter-Strike pro player Stephanie “MissHarvey” Harvey joins us to talk about her life, her...
Batman: Arkham Knight “Death will come to all who follow you”
Don’t look so distraught Gordon, Batman is here to save the day and he brought some friends with him! In the newest trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight – “All Who Follow You”, we get a quick look at some of the new cast and combat style that allows the player to switch between characters.