Criminal the Last of the Innocent, Afterlife with Archie and Reinventing Nostalgia
The monetary benefits of reinventing an old property are well documented; the brand and the audience are already present and...
Lumberjanes: A Comic To Keep Your Eye On
For my first article on Girls On Games, I have to admit that I’ve spent a considerable amount of time in front of my computer going crazy while thinking about which comic I was going to review because they are so many great ones this year! After several hours of nail biting and hair pulling, I made a choice that is perfect for a website that has the word “girls” in it: Lumberjanes.
ESWC CS:GO Grand Finals Coming To Montreal July 9 – 12, 2015!
Amazing news for Canadian Counter-Strike and eSports fans in general! ESWC just announced that the grand finals for their Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament will be held in Montreal, from July 9 to July 12th. Two international tournaments, a main one dedicated...
Party Chat: What’s Your Dream Console?
Welcome to Party Chat, the question and answer post where the Girls on Games team address the pressing (and not...
The Girls on Games Podcast 15 – Zelda HD delayed, FFXV bromance and Foaming jugs
In this week's podcast, we talk about the new Zelda WiiU game being delayed and what we think it means to us, about game designing techniques that inspire and motivate us, and we bring up the controversial week we’ve once again had in the gaming world.
We attended the Montreal Independent Games Festival (PHOTOS)
The 2015 edition of the Montreal Independent Games Festival was held yesterday. The venue was Dawson College which is appropriate considering it is home to the world’s first Independent Video Game Design Program. The event was free and opened to...
Montreal Comiccon 2015: Line-up and Press Conference highlights!
This year it’s going to be the biggest Comiccon Montreal has seen yet. The official press conference was held yesterday and highlighted what’s in store for Montreal Comiccon this year from July 3rd to the 5th and Girls on Games has your exclusive look at what’s currently taking place this year at the con!
The Girls on Games Podcast 14 – Nintendo goes mobile, game breaking bugs and Twitch drama
In this week's (delayed) episode, we dive with Nintendo into mobile games and speculate as to what they can do with their franchises, we talk about our favorite/most hated game breaking bugs and we voice our opinions on the recent female Twitch streamers drama.
Ori and the Blind Forest: A Familiar Touch
It’s been about 2 weeks now since Ori and the Blind forest hit stores and digital shelves. The reviews have been extremely positive, garnering it a 89 on Metacritic. But what exactly is it about this game that has charmed...