Just Dance 2015 Dance Off For The Kids! Catherine Smith-Desbiens·October 27, 2014During the very last hour of our Extra Life 24h gaming marathon, we played Just Dance 2015. Enjoy our sleep deprived dance off.FunnyLet's PlayNintendoVideosXbox
Sunset Overdrive Gameplay Catherine Smith-Desbiens·October 27, 2014During our Extra Life 24h marathon, we featured a whole 90 minutes of game play from the upcoming Sunset Overdrive!Let's PlayPreviewsVideosXbox
Geeky Jack-o-lanterns Leah Jewer·October 26, 2014Just because it’s Halloween doesn’t mean you have to use creepy design when you are carving your pumpkin. Here are some amazing geeky jack-o-lanterns to inspire your spooky festivies!Geek CultureNintendoPCPlayStationXbox
15 Geeky DIY Halloween Costumes Stephanie Brandon·October 26, 2014With Halloween just around the corner some of you are probably scratching your heads wondering what you should be. Sure...Cosplay & FashionDIYGeek CultureMovies & TV
Watch our 24h Extra Life Stream! Catherine Smith-Desbiens·October 24, 2014Click here to watch our Extra Life stream! We're live from Oct 24th at noon to Oct 25th at noon!MTLNintendoPlayStationXbox
10 Ways to Geek up your Halloween Party Stephanie Brandon·October 23, 2014Decorations, snacks, games, geek up your Halloween party with these easy crafts and recipes! There's something for every fandom.FunnyGeek CultureNintendoPC
Getting My Sea Legs Back: A Look At Assassin’s Creed Rogue Leah Jewer·October 20, 2014Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, a sailor’s life for me! It’s time to step back into a...PCPlayStationPreviewsReviewsXbox
News on the Run!: Weekly Round Up 10.18.2014 Catherine Ashley and Alicia Alexandra·October 18, 2014Here's your weekly round-up of quirky, interesting and breaking news of the (mostly) gaming persuasion.FunnyGeek CultureMobileMTLNewsNintendoPCPlayStationPreviewsVideosXbox
Let’s Play Montreal: Deus Ex Human Revolution – Ep. 5 – 7 Simon Marcoux·October 17, 2014Let’s Play Montreal will be a series where we feature Montreal made games. Here’s Episode 5, 6 & 7 of Deus Ex Human Revolution.Let's PlayPCVideos