Your Guide To: On-Site Activities at Montreal Comiccon
Between the lineups, the exhibit hall and the impressive roster of celebrities, some pretty neat things can pass right under your nose. Here are 10 things you can do other than spend your cash on that CGC'ed comic and gawk at Sir Patrick Stewart.
Your Guide To: Montreal Comiccon’s Surroundings
We all know that Montreal Comiccon brings in quite a crowd. This means traffic around the Convention Centre, waiting lines...
Attack on Otakuthon!: Interview with Shelley Calene-Black
We also got to sit down and chat Shelley Calene-Black, the voice behind iconic characters like Mirielle in Noir, Captain Jonah in Starship Troopers and Cortana and Dr Halsey in Halo Legends.
News On The Run!: Weekly Round-Up
The gaming world is huge. So we're going to round-up quirky, interesting and breaking news of the (mostly) gaming persuasion for you to enjoy every week.
Tools for the job: How to pick the right gaming mouse for you
Any self respecting PC gamer has a favourite mouse. I personally have used the Logitech G9 for about 4-5 years...
5 Menswear Geek Inspired Everyday Outifts
By request, more outfits inspired by all geek fandoms! This time, we focus on menswear.
Gaming Montreal: Indie Kickstarter Projects
Indie games are often fascinating, magical little gems that ooze the heart and soul of their creators. Check out these homegrown projects.
5 Things We’re Looking Forward to at Fan Expo this Weekend
There's so much to see and do at Fan Expo, where do you even start? Right here!
Defeating Death Itself: Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition Review
Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition is downright addictive, and is a culmination of the patches, upgrades, updates and tweaks that Blizzard expanded upon in this “definite” version of the game.