GoGCast 209: The State of Mobile Gaming
In this episode of the GoGCast, we’re crushing candies, clashing clans, catching Pokémons and winning chicken dinners as we discuss the state of mobile gaming.
GoGCast Special Episode: Far Cry New Dawn Spoilercast
We’re heading back to Hope County as we take a deep dive at Far Cry New Dawn for a special spoilercast episode!
GoGCast 208: Hyper Casual Games
What are hyper casual games and how did they build a very profitable business model that generates an estimated $2 billion dollars? We discuss this and more in this episode of the GoGCast.
Peak PlayStation 4 – Days Gone Review
Days Gone is basically the PS4-est PS4 game to ever PS4 and it’s just a culmination of open world game design typical of this console cycle.
GoGCast 207: Debunking 5 Damaging Myths About Video Games
Video games make us violent, video games are addictive, video games are a waste of time, blah blah blah... We debunk 5 damaging myths about video games in this episode of the GoGCast!
GoGCast 206: Favourite Video Game Easter Eggs
Is the cake is a lie and is there a cow level? Inspired by the Easter long weekend, we go hunting for Easter Eggs in video games.
GoGCast 205: Allies for Accessibility
Games are for everyone yet not everyone can play the games they would like to play. In this week's GoGCast, we dissect the current conversation around Sekiro Shadows Die, accessibility and difficulty settings in games.
The Show Just Keeps Getting Better – MLB The Show 19 Review
MLB The Show 19 has a shot at being the best baseball video game ever made, beating Major League Baseball 2k5, Ken Griffey Baseball on the Super Nintendo or the Bases Loaded games on the NES.
GoGCast 204: Interview with Steve Saylor aka BLIND GAMER
We talk accessibility in gaming with Steve Saylor, content creator and accessibility advocate whom you may know from his Youtube channel 'BLIND GAMER'.