Girls on Games’ Geeky Gift Ideas for 2017!
We’ve gone ahead and collected some geeky gift ideas that will be perfect for the guildmate, like minded coworker or special player 2 in your life!
Digging Up The Limited Edition Minecraft Xbox One S
The Limited Edition Minecraft Xbox One S has been released, and anyone who knows me can confirm that I am...
Of Buffs and Nerfs Episode 08 – Talking trash
BMing, trash talking, bragging, boasting, however you want to call it really, is more present than ever in esports, and in the experience these online competitive games bring to the pros, and ourselves, as regular players. Some people frown upon...
Short of a Few Parsecs – Star Wars Battlefront II Review
Beyond the micro-transaction fiasco, does Star Wars Battlefront II hold its own in the realm of online first person shooters?
Holidays in the Mushroom Kingdom: Power-up Eggnog & Sugar Cookies Recipes
Yum! These Nintendo themed sugar cookies and eggnog recipes is a guaranteed hit at your next Holiday gathering of gamers or as a special treat for you!
GoGCast 138: interview with Samantha Blackmon of Not Your Mama’s Gamer
This week, we sit down with Samantha Blackmon, associate professor at Purdue University and co-founder of Not Your Mama’s Gamer!
GoGCast 137: The (Re)Updated Sitch on the Nintendo Switch
Everybody and their mother recently got a Nintendo Switch, including Cat, Simon and Ali. What finally convinced them to get...
MINECON Earth 2017 Roundup: Update Aquatic, Lllamas and More!
MINECON Earth 2017 has come to an end. While fans all over the world are recovering from all the excitement...
The Witcher 3’s Lodge of Sorceresses Has an Image Problem
CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt has more ambitious women than beautifully animated hairs on Geralt’s head. Women win brawls, hunt witches, and even travel through space and time. But neither the game’s men nor its designers...