5 ways to celebrate the Holidays with Girls on Games and Xbox Canada
We're very lucky and so grateful to have collaborated with Xbox Canada on the December episode of #XBOXALLFORONE. Check out our segment on 5 ways to celebrate the Holidays with Xbox.
GoGCast 92: Behind the Games – interviews with Red Barrels, Autodesk and Red Nexus Games
Big week as we have 3 interviews coming your way! During MIGS 2016 we spoke with Dylan Gedig from Red...
Exclusive: For Honor Gameplay – Story Mission 1.5: Sabotage
We’ve got another exclusive game preview from Girls on Games! GoG was invited to Ubisoft for a preview event where I got to play two sections of story mode from For Honor. This chapter, called Sabotage, is from the Knights...
Exclusive: For Honor Gameplay – Story Mission 2.1: Raiding the Raiders
Time for more exclusive game previews from Girls on Games! GoG was invited to Ubisoft for a preview event where...
Pokémon Sun and Moon: Grooming the Next Generation of Pokémon Trainers
The more I play Pokémon Sun and Moon, the more I see why key changes were made to the game: to make sure their loyal fanbase renews their love for Pokémon all while enticing a new generation of trainers.
The Fault in Our Video Game Stars – A Study in Character Development Through Watch Dogs 2
I never really connected with lead character Aiden Pierce, the protagonist in Watch Dogs. As I was introduced to the characters of Watch Dogs 2, I scrutinized each and every one, trying to decipher the magic recipe for that connection, and I think I have struck gold.
GoGCast 91: Of Games & Keyframes with Animator Jonathan Abenhaim
It’s our first proper non-twitch episode, and this one is a goody! We are coming to you live from Meltdown...
GoGCast 90 – Sexism in esports
Leah, Simon and Catherine sit down to talk about the position of women in esports, what can be done to change it, and the issues that they themselves, face everyday.
The Girls on Games Holiday Gift Guide 2016 – $50 or more!
Do you have so much money you don't know what to do with it? Need gaming gift ideas? These gifts from 50 dollars and up are just for you!