Gaming on the Go – ASUS ROG STRIX GL502 Gaming Notebook Review
I’ve always been apprehensive when it comes to “gaming” laptops. Ever since I’ve been able to build my own desktop, I always figured that it was the best way to go, especially if on a budget. We recently got the opportunity to review an Asus ROG Strix gaming notebook provided to us by the good people over at Asus ROG, and they tried their damnedest to make me change my mind.
Scrub League: The Over-Sexualization of Video Game Characters
Scrub League is a Toronto based esport focused podcast. They invited me to come and talk about the over-sexualization of video game characters and the influence of sex in games.
Unboxing the Xbox One S Gears of War 4 Limited Edition Bundle
Check out our unboxing and close-up shots of the Xbox One S Gears of War 4 Limited Edition Bundle
GoGCast 84 – PSVR: Tested, Used and Reviewed
Leah, Cat and special guest, Mike D tried their hand at the PSVR that came out this week and give...
Tethered to a New Virtual World – PSVR Review
PlayStation makes you go all “Woah! This is the future!” with the release of PSVR, their first attempt at bringing virtual reality to your living room.
Interview with Navneet – Live from DreamHack Austin
Navneet Randhawa is the Assignment Editor at theScore eSports. She’s been in the eSports scene, more specifically SC2 for the last few years.
Freaky Fridays: Halloween Costumes for Video Game Lovers
Dress up as your favourite video game character, and immerse yourself in their world with these Video Game Halloween Costumes.
The Mushroom Kingdom Is Your Canvas – Paper Mario: Color Splash Review
Even when they seem to be on the tail end of a console cycle, Nintendo can produce a game with polish and detail that makes you fall back in love with what they do all over again. Paper Mario: Color Splash is nothing revolutionary, but it's a solid game with enough surprises to make you smile.
Don’t call it a comeback – Gears of War 4 Review
Here are the final thoughts on Gears of War 4! Spoiler alert: this game is a fantastic addition to the franchise.