Jensen Goes On the Road – Deus Ex GO Review
The proverbial saying is that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But hey, if you can add something awesome to it, just do it! Square Enix Montreal ups the ante in puzzle design through mechanics of the Deus Ex universe and solidified another awesome mobile game with Deus Ex GO.
Disturbed’s David Draiman on Gears of War 4 & More!
While at Heavy Montreal 2016, we spoke David Dramian of Disturbed about Gears of War 4, gaming on the road and the use of Disturbed music in video games.
GoGCast 76 – Dreamhack Montreal
The GoG crew spent the weekend at the first ever Dreamhack Montreal! We go over our first impressions, the differences between Dreamhack and ETS and our wishlist for future events!...
Photos: DreamHack Montreal 2016
Photos and highlights from DreamHack Montreal 2016, the first edition of the LAN/eSports Competition/Digital Festival in Canada.
Your Place or Minecraft? Interview with Gina Hara – Part 2
In this second part, we talk about how Gina picked who she wanted to interview and how she interviewed them, why Minecraft is so interesting to study, and of her future plans now that the series is out.
GoGCast 75 – Carl Edwin-Michel from @NorthernArena joins us to talk eSports!
CEO and Co-Founder of Northern Arena Carl Edwin-Michel joins us to talk about what eSports means for him, what Northern Arena is trying to bring over to Canada and how it can compete with all the other major competitors in...
GoGCast 74 – Video Game music special with @MissBiankaDonk
Take a trip down nostalgia lane with MissBiankaDonk as we talk about video games music. To this day, most of...
Interview with Andre Meadows (Black Nerd Comedy)
Delve into the mind of a Black Comedy Nerd. Want to know the secrets of running a successful YouTube channel? What about Andre’s ultimate Loote Crate? If any of that appealed to you at all, then you should definitely check out this interview.
Interview with Grant Kirkhope
Join us and listen to composer Grant Kirkhope recount his adventures in the video game industry’s catchiest field… music!...