Rusted Ruins and a Lonely Drifter – Hyper Light Drifter Review
Traveling to every corner of the world, each area more perilous and intriguing than the last, facing foes that only seem to get more dangerous and deadly with each step of progress that you make. Hyper Light Drifter is packed with action, adventure, and challenging obstacles to overcome; a visually stunning game with interesting lore that you uncover as you proceed.
Video Games Are Art – Phi Centre’s VR and Interactive Exhibits
We’ve often discussed, whether in our articles or during the podcast, how video games are shattering the conventions of the artistic world. At the centre of this shift is Montreal’s Phi Centre who is embracing interactive works, including video games, and is making them an integral part of its programming.
If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Stay Out of the Kitchen – Overcooked Review
I’ve played a lot of games but never, NEVER, has a game made me feel as stressed as Overcooked, a game with an Onion King and a dog named Kevin.
Montreal Comiccon Spotlight: Gravity Rush 2
Montreal Comiccon is a great place if you want to check out upcoming games a little early. This year Sony had an excellent booth so I decided to check out Gravity Rush 2 which is coming to the PlayStation 4 this December.
Why Overwatch is perfect for people who don’t like FPSs – Review
I didn’t know what it was, but when I was looking at the list of upcoming games back in January, I was instantly attracted to Overwatch. I knew it was a first person shooter and I knew I hated first person shooters – but I could tell that something was different. So why is everyone crazy about Overwatch?
Your Place or Minecraft? Interview with Gina Hara – Part 1
Recently, TAG’s (Concordia University’s game research center) Gina Hara asked me if I wanted to cover her brand new Minecraft documentary web-series, “Your Place or Minecraft?” ( I said yes, absolutely. My coverage of the series will be divided into three...
Gamer’s Music Guide: îleSoniq 2016
Let's get this party started! Now at its third edition, ÎleSoniq brings the best EDM DJs and performers to turn Parc Jean Drapeau into one giant dance floor. Here are some infectious tune from this year's line up that energized the soundtrack of a few video games.
Interview with ALB
Illustrator and YouTuber, Angelina is a woman of many talents and an excellent storyteller. This interview could have been an hour and we still would have wanted to chat with her more!
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Review
Star Wars: The Force Awakens was one of the all time highest grossing movies worldwide. It was to no surprise that LEGO would be releasing the Star Wars game shortly after. When I had found out about the game I was instantly so excited.