Girls on Games featured on Sid Lee Collective
Nothing at Girls on Games makes us happier than seeing hard work paying off (ok, new video games and gear...
Back in Action- Gears of War 4 BETA Impressions
This week, I played the Gears of War 4 Beta. It has become somewhat of a trend in recent times...
Star Fox Zero: Crashing and Burning the Wii U
There's a famous saying in the classic Disney movie Bambi: “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”. Well, I tried my darndest, but it's just not possible with Star Fox Zero. This game is like a demo gone bad and no barrel roll can save it...
Best Video Games Adapted From Comic Books
With so many movies coming out this year based on comics, you might be wondering: where can I get my...
GoGCast 62 – Girl Tribe Gaming
Zen and Jen from Girl Tribe gaming join us this week to talk about their own podcast, game betas and...
LAN ETS 2016 Wrap – Up
Another LAN ETS has come and gone! This past weekend saw the 15th edition of the Lan party organised by Montreal’s École de technologie supérieure. With an approximate attendance of over 2000, gamers of all kinds attended the event to...
Girls on Games on L’épée légendaire
Our very own Kathless was on L’épée légendaire, a podcast that loves everything geek, video game and technology. I this...
Dark Souls 3 Review – Meet the new boss, same as the old boss
Not often has a AAA title lived up to the pre-release hype. Fans of the Soulsborne series have been awaiting the release of the game since it was announced at E3 2015. With a fan base as dedicated and passionate about everything surrounding it, did Dark Souls 3 have any hope of surviving the hype train?
Last Boots on the Ground – Halo 5 Warzone Firefight BETA First Impressions
The announcement of Warzone during the 2015 E3 Microsoft press conference was more than most expected. Finally, after months of suspense and hopeful anticipation, our first publicly playable version is here.