DreamHack Austin: First Event in North America
DreamHack, the Rise of an Event While it holds the title of biggest LAN in the world from the Guinness...
Forza 6 gets injected with Porsche, and we love it – DLC Review
For the past few Forza games, with the exception of Motorsport 5 and Horizon 1, Porsche cars were not included in the games at launch but have been featured as DLC later down the road. Usually those DLCs are simple car packs, but this time Turn 10 went above and beyond; they’ve released a full fledged expansion. Which is highly appreciated, since I’m no big fan of car packs.
GoGCast 57 – Let’s play spoilers and game guides with EpicJoystick!
The guys over at EpicJoystick join us for this wonderfully delirious podcast. Listen to us go almost half-insane with these 2 amazing guys!...
Girls on Games on Les jeux sont faits: Online Media x Video Game Industry
I had the pleasure of being a guest on Les jeux sont faits, an aptly named podcast that focuses on the gaming industry. I was invited to chat about the online video game media landscape and about Girls on Games: our story, our mission and our experiences with the industry.
Far Cry Primal: Launch event at the Rialto
On February 23rd, we were pleased to attend Ubisoft’s Far Cry Primal Launch party. The beautiful Rialto Theatre was tastefully...
Tom Clancy’s The Division Review – The Hype Has Been Activated!
This cover-based 3rd person shooter is addicting, immersive, and time consuming in all the best ways. The story is based around the pandemic of “the dollar flu” or “green poison” released on Black Friday in New York City. Those remaining are either too weak/unwilling to escape the quarantine or have taken things into their own hands.
GoGCast 56 – Ultimate Chicken Horse!
Richard from CleverEndeavorGames joins us to talk about their upcoming game, Ultimate Chicken Horse. A mix between Mario Maker, Super...
GoGCast 55 – Ubisoft special with @Darth_Jay from Ubisoft Canada!
Ubisoft special time!! We talk The Division, Far Cry Primal and Assassin’s Creed with very awesome guest and PR person...
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Graphics Comparison (Video)
The big question with remastered games is, of course, how big of a change will the new graphics make? We took the opening sequences of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for Wii U and put them side by side with the Wii version of the game.