Our Games Of The Year 2015!

Now, while everyone didn't play everything, you can see some strong trends running throughout this list. More importantly, these choices show just how life and our personal experience shape our gaming habits and preferences.
Come Hang With Us! GoGCast no. 50 Party
It’s a celebration! Join the Girls on Games crew for a live broadcast of episode no. 50 of the podcast (now named GoGcast) and party after! Hosted by Nexus Smartbar, one of Montreal’s finest gaming themed bar....
The Girls on Games Podcast Episode 49 – Back in Business!
We're back from our Holiday break to chat GOTY and more.
Leah’s Just Dance Challenge
I want to do a test that will encompass both video games and exercise. Many of you know my love for the Just Dance games, and I have always been curious about their workout feature. Can you really loose weight and get fit playing Just Dance?
Girls on Games on the Challenge hockey RDS EA Sports
I was invited to take part in a show mixing sports and esports: Le Challenge hockey RDS EA Sports! NHL Hockey players were invited to participate in an NHL 2016 tournament to see if they could perform as well on the digital ice rink. The winner will be awarded $20,000 for the charity of his choice.
Nintendo 3DS Throwbacks: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 & Mighty Gunvolt
We're checking out a re-release for the Game Gear's classic Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and of the short but sweet Mighty Gunvolt, both available on the eshop.
OPINION: The Democratization of Video Games in 2015
The gaming industry and community is constantly in flux and flow; ever changing the way it interacts with, and constructs itself through the medium. As technology and communication continuously develops and reinvents itself, one of the more beneficial and progressive transformations has been the democratization of video games. This has been an ongoing process for the last decade or so, but as part of the obligatory reflection that ensues at the year-end, I feel as if this movement to communize the industry really flourished in this year.
We Want Your Vote! Game Of The Year 2015
Here’s your chance to have your say! Vote now for game of the year 2015. We will reveal all the juicy details after the holidays 🙂 [socialpoll id=”2313098″]...