Father’s Day Gift Guide
For the man who taught us how to: reach certain levels, how to hug a turn in racing games which is carried over to our real life driving, how pushing the buttons harder won’t result in us doing more damage but rather just break our controllers to which he’ll laugh and get us a new one (a better one).
ESWC CSGO Canadian Qualifiers to happen at Montreal Comiccon
Montreal Comiccon is built for the gamer this year! The Canadian qualifiers for the following week’s Electronic Sports World Cup...
Super Smash Bash in MTL
eSports is going to be THE buzzword this summer in the city of Montreal! If you are fan of Super Smash Bros, player or spectator, there’s a tournament in July with your name on it. The Super Smash Bash, organized...
Indie Spotlight Thursdays: Treasure Adventure World
Developed by the 3-person team that is Robit Games, Treasure Adventure World is the successor to their well-received inaugural title,...
The Girls on Games Podcast 23 – Your week in gaming, Video game hall of fame and Nintendo rumor generator!
In this week’s podcast, we look the most recent E3 news, we talk about the Video game hall of fame and we play with Nintendo’s rumor generator! Are you ready for E3 coming this week?
WB Games Montreal Turned 5 Years Old And Have Some Exciting Things Planned!
What started out as a small team with a handful of people is quickly becoming one of the city's leading video game studios, with a growing team and some exciting new projects coming up. Check out the video to catch a glimpse inside the studio who brought us Arkham: Origins, how they commemorated their 5 years and what they have planned going forward.
Gaming MTL: a visit to Square Enix Montreal
Square Enix manages quite the impressive catalogue of IPs including Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Tomb Raider. But where can one find Square Enix Montreal in all of this? On the App Store and on Google Play.
Win tickets to the Xbox Vs. PlayStation Concert by the OJV!
Here’s your chance to win tickets to see the Xbox VS. PlayStation Concert by the l’Orchestre de jeux vidéo! Concert...
E3 2015 Prediction Game!
A while back during one of the Girls on Games Podcasts, we decided to play a little game and see which GoGer has the power of premonition! The below table are a series of questions of announcements that may...