Gaming MTL: The LoZ Symphony Of The Goddesses Is THIS Weekend!
Hey! Listen! The Legend of Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses will be making its way to Montreal soon! This weekend in fact, and there's still tickets available!
NERO Review: An Almost Classic
Let me start by saying that NERO is not a game for everyone. I don’t say this as a reflection...
Gaming MTL: An interview With Nexus SmartBar’s Vincent Doré-Millet on Montreal’s Next Gaming Hotspot.
(Please note that this video is in french only) Some wine or a beer is my usual go-to beverage as I sit glassy-eyed playing 4 consecutive hours of Halo, sniping and teabagging my way to victory. There’s just something about...
Indie Spotlight Thursdays: Shattered Planet
About to reach it’s 1-year anniversary on Steam, Shattered Planet is a rogue-lite, procedurally generated, space exploration game brought to...
OPINION: Why Polygon’s Arthur Gies’ The Witcher 3 Review Is Not Toxic To The Industry, But Crucial.
Alright, so I wasn't planning on commenting on the latest sort-of controversy brought about by Polygon’s Arthur Gies’ review of the Witcher 3, but a particular response to it, written by The Vanishing of Ethan Carter’s Adrian Chmielarz, frustrated me. Not only did it frustrate me, it kind of baffled me at the same time - but I’ll get to that in a bit.
MONTREAL COMICCON newest guests…
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Montreal Comiccon just released its newest guests attending this year’s Con! Take a gander… Guest of Honour: Billie Piper, from Dr. Who & Secret Diary of a Call Girl Featured Guest: Joe Flanigan, from Stargate Atlantis...
Ludia Inc. getting big nominations for the 2015 Tabby Awards
Welcome to the Tabby Nominees, 2015 edition. What are the Tabbys you ask? The Tabby Awards are games/applications for android/apple...
Assasin’s Creed Syndicate: Playing As Twins Jacob And Evie Frye
A single assassin can only accomplish so much, but what can 2 assassins bring to the table? We’ll find out...
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate: Traversing Victorian England
In an interview with Francois Pelland, executive director of development & senior producer of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, the newest AC is revealed as a period piece previewing the beauty that was Victorian England. An era that was all about development and...