Theresa Gaffney is the Editor-in-Chief of Collegiate Star League (CSL), a Proleague-based intercollegiate multigame league for universities and colleges of North...
We at Girls on Games are always intrigued to learn about different occupations in and around the video game industry, especially when it’s done by a kick-ass lady.
Graham Stark of Loading Ready Run talks about his experience with streaming, sketches he’d like to see realized through LoadingReadyRun or Bionic Trousers Media, Phailhaüs, Random Dance Party activation and of course: Desert Bus. Follow Graham on Twitter, and learn more Loading Ready...
Illustrator and YouTuber, Angelina is a woman of many talents and an excellent storyteller. This interview could have been an hour and we still would have wanted to chat with her more!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wander into a stranger’s mind, or to walk through their dreams and imagination, to explore and piece things together? Thanks to the artistic mind that brought you the stunning visuals for some familiar titles like Myst and the Command & Conquer series, you can now get the chance to do just that.
We ask The Runaway Guys some hard hitting questions… like if they’ve ever browsed their tag on Tumblr and what they thought about what they saw there. Tumblr, you’re welcome.
David Vitas is a musician/composer that makes both music and sound effects. Over the past couple years I have watched David grow into an incredibly talented artist, and he’s always blown me away. Find out more about this incredibly talented composer, and all about his new release in this interview!