Follow the adventures of Kurt as he tries to make his way out of the world of Pid and back to his city. This side scroller puzzle adventure is incredible.
We got a chance to visit the Thunder Lotus Games' studio where Montreal indie game sensation, Jotun, is created. We chatted with the founder Will Dubé about how his studio got off the ground, who makes up his team, Norse mythology, protagonist Thora, the game's new released beta and how you can join in on the fun.
Last Thursday, I finally got a chance to play the alpha build of Montreal indie giant Jotun, an action-exploration game immersed in Norse mythology and set in Viking purgatory. Created by Will Dubé, Jotun has you playing as Thora, “a Norse warrior who has died an inglorious death and must prove herself to the Gods to enter Valhalla.”
Nothing really drills in the fact that one is aging as deep as seeing some of your favorite things grow old and turn "retro", and in 2015, everything from 1995 is turning 20.