Sarah, freshly back from Blizzcon, talks to us about her experience in Anaheim! We also go over Northern Arena that just happened in Montreal, MIGS, Watch Dogs 2 and everything else that any self respecting geek should know!
Heroes of the Storm has come a long way this past year. We’ve refrained from reviewing it earlier because it simply wasn’t finished. It certainly isn’t finished now, but it has been improved upon and there are big changes ahead – hopefully for the better.
The LEGO Universe has been adapting different types of popular media over the years, such as Harry Potter, Star Wars and of course, the popular Batman series. On January 26th, the latest videogame in the LEGO universe, Marvel’s Avengers, made...
It’s always advisable to approach video game rereleases and refurbishes with some trepidation. Games that were great a decade ago don’t necessarily transcend time and space in the gaming world. Video game trends flux and flow; titles and genres can succumb to the passage of time. As *the* defining title of ye olde Xbox 360 (sorry, Chief), Gears of War’s innovation could have been lost in translation. Thankfully, this isn’t really the case; yet it isn’t not the case either. Yes, this brings up a conundrum.
If I were to pick one title that proves that video game making is an Art form, worthy of that capital A, I’m pretty sure I would pick Journey. Will you take this journey with us?
To think that I wasn’t even supposed to get The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I tried playing the first 2 games but there was always something making me stop. But fate, or my PC hardware addiction, dropped a free copy of The Witcher 3 in my lap with the purchase of my new video card. So I stepped over my preconceived ideas, and decided to give the game a try. Here are my thoughts.